Windows Vista Administrator lost password
(too old to reply)
2009-11-22 17:23:41 UTC
I'm quite savy at computers but this is tricky. My mom has me set on
parental controls for Windows Vista. She gave me her password and I
turned them out, logged off and then logged back on to my account. Then,
when I turned off the computer and she turned it back on the next day,
her password didn't work. She's called people and apparently, I changed
the password without knowing I did.

Here's the problem, I don't have a disk to reset the administrator
password and I already tried the CMD way to reset the password but I got
"System Error 5 has occured. Access denied."

The administrator password is a big one since it controls everything I
do. I can't change anything or download anything without that password.

Is there ANYWAY I could change it?
tarathezebra's Profile: http://forums.techarena.in/members/157158.htm
View this thread: http://forums.techarena.in/vista-administration/1274049.htm

2009-11-22 20:20:31 UTC
Hello Tara,

Your mother can do a system restore at boot using a restore point dated
before the password was changed to restore the old password. The
tutorial below can help show her how to.


Hope this helps,
Post by tarathezebra
I'm quite savy at computers but this is tricky. My mom has me set on
parental controls for Windows Vista. She gave me her password and I
turned them out, logged off and then logged back on to my account. Then,
when I turned off the computer and she turned it back on the next day,
her password didn't work. She's called people and apparently, I changed
the password without knowing I did.
Here's the problem, I don't have a disk to reset the administrator
password and I already tried the CMD way to reset the password but I got
"System Error 5 has occured. Access denied."
The administrator password is a big one since it controls everything I
do. I can't change anything or download anything without that password.
Is there ANYWAY I could change it?
tarathezebra's Profile: 'tarathezebra's profile on TechArena Computer
Hardware Support Forums of India'
View this thread: 'Windows Vista Administrator lost password - Vista
'TechArena Community - Technology and Computer Hardware Support Forums
of India' (http://forums.techarena.in)

'*MS MVP - Windows Desktop Experience*'
*There are no dumb questions, just the people that do not ask
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'*Windows Vista Forums*' (http://www.vistax64.com/)

*Please post feedback to help others.*
Jeffer Larray
2009-11-23 01:37:13 UTC
Hello Tara,

If you havenot NTFS encrypted files on your computer, you can just reset the
administrator password to blank using a Windows Password Reset Disc.

I have used Lazesoft Recover My Password, which is a easy to use. Here is
guides how to use it to reset Windows Administrator password to blank:

Post by Brink
Hello Tara,
Your mother can do a system restore at boot using a restore point dated
before the password was changed to restore the old password. The
tutorial below can help show her how to.
Hope this helps,
Post by tarathezebra
I'm quite savy at computers but this is tricky. My mom has me set on
parental controls for Windows Vista. She gave me her password and I
turned them out, logged off and then logged back on to my account. Then,
when I turned off the computer and she turned it back on the next day,
her password didn't work. She's called people and apparently, I changed
the password without knowing I did.
Here's the problem, I don't have a disk to reset the administrator
password and I already tried the CMD way to reset the password but I got
"System Error 5 has occured. Access denied."
The administrator password is a big one since it controls everything I
do. I can't change anything or download anything without that password.
Is there ANYWAY I could change it?
tarathezebra's Profile: 'tarathezebra's profile on TechArena Computer
Hardware Support Forums of India'
View this thread: 'Windows Vista Administrator lost password - Vista
'TechArena Community - Technology and Computer Hardware Support Forums
of India' (http://forums.techarena.in)
'*MS MVP - Windows Desktop Experience*'
*There are no dumb questions, just the people that do not ask
'*Windows 7 Forums*' (http://www.sevenforums.com/)
'*Windows Vista Forums*' (http://www.vistax64.com/)
*Please post feedback to help others.*
2009-11-23 07:27:14 UTC
Post by Brink
Hello Tara
If you havenot NTFS encrypted files on your computer, you can jus
reset th
administrator password to blank using a Windows Password Reset Disc
I have used Lazesoft Recover My Password, which is a easy to use. Her
guides how to use it to reset Windows Administrator password to blank
'Lazesoft Recover My Password - Forgot Windows admin user password?
Post by Brink
Post by Brink
Hello Tara
Your mother can do a system restore at boot using a restore poin
Post by Brink
before the password was changed to restore the old password. Th
tutorial below can help show her how to
Hope this helps
tarathezebra;1193447 Wrote:> > > > >
Post by tarathezebra
I'm quite savy at computers but this is tricky. My mom has me set o
parental controls for Windows Vista. She gave me her password and
turned them out, logged off and then logged back on to my account
when I turned off the computer and she turned it back on the nex
Post by tarathezebra
her password didn't work. She's called people and apparently,
Post by tarathezebra
the password without knowing I did
Here's the problem, I don't have a disk to reset the administrato
password and I already tried the CMD way to reset the password but
"System Error 5 has occured. Access denied.
The administrator password is a big one since it controls everythin
do. I can't change anything or download anything without tha
Post by tarathezebra
Is there ANYWAY I could change it
Post by tarathezebra
tarathezebra's Profile: 'tarathezebra's profile on TechAren
Post by tarathezebra
Hardware Support Forums of India
('tarathezebra's profile on TechArena Computer Hardware Suppor
Forums of India' (http://forums.techarena.in/members/157158.htm)
Post by tarathezebra
View this thread: 'Windows Vista Administrator lost password - Vist
('Windows Vista Administrator lost password - Vista Administration
Post by tarathezebra
'TechArena Community - Technology and Computer Hardware Suppor
Post by tarathezebra
of India' ('TechArena Community - Technology and Computer Hardwar
Support Forums of India' (http://forums.techarena.in))> > > >
'*MS MVP - Windows Desktop Experience*
Post by Brink
*There are no dumb questions, just the people that do not as
'*Windows 7 Forums*' ('Windows 7 Forums
Post by Brink
'*Windows Vista Forums*' (http://www.vistax64.com/
*Please post feedback to help others.* > >
The easiest one to use is the Offlien NT Registry Editor. This wil
clear the password for you so you can sign in and create a new one
Please use this one, it is trusted and probably one of the more saf
ways to go

This will download as an .iso file. It will need to be burnt as a
image. So you will need imgburn or other software that will handle .is

Links and instructions

Scroll down towards the bottom and you will see a Download section
'Offline NT pw & reg-editor, bootdisk

Instructions on how to use the Offline NT Password and Regsitry Editor
'Offline NT pw & reg-editor, walkthrough

'The Official ImgBurn Website
2009-11-23 16:22:34 UTC
Post by tarathezebra
I'm quite savy at computers but this is tricky. My mom has me set o
parental controls for Windows Vista. She gave me her password and
turned them out, logged off and then logged back on to my account
when I turned off the computer and she turned it back on the next day
her password didn't work. She's called people and apparently, I change
the password without knowing I did
Here's the problem, I don't have a disk to reset the administrato
password and I already tried the CMD way to reset the password but
"System Error 5 has occured. Access denied.
The administrator password is a big one since it controls everything
do. I can't change anything or download anything without that password
Is there ANYWAY I could change it
tarathezebra's Profile: 'tarathezebra's profile on TechArena Compute
Hardware Support Forums of India
View this thread: 'Windows Vista Administrator lost password - Vist
'TechArena Community - Technology and Computer Hardware Support Forum
of India' (http://forums.techarena.in
So you have to download & burn any tool to reset password i.e Offlin
NT Registry Editor (*@CrucialHoax* post).Alternative you can try enabl
in WinRE build-in Administrator account 'What do I do: I can no longe
log in or elevate to an administrator account
System Restore (*@Brink* post) is also solution if both methods are to

2009-12-08 02:29:42 UTC
All the above are great suggestions, if you actually know the password
but since the problem is that, the password has been forgotten/hacked o
whatever, my suggestion is this neat program from PasswordSeeker, i
lets you reset/delete user passwords, it is a legal app. and ver
useful, i've used it on a few PC's including my own and it works

recoverytoolsupport's Profile: http://forums.techarena.in/members/147945.ht
View this thread: http://forums.techarena.in/vista-administration/1274049.ht

2009-12-14 08:37:11 UTC
Hi, guy. Don't worry, there are many people forget their admin password/ lost admin password, and there is a popular solution for those who have been locked out by computer. For this solution, what you need id a second computer that can link to Internet and then free downloas Windows Password Recovery Tool at http://www.windowspasswordsrecovery.com

With Windows Password Recovery, you can create a reset CD which can be multiple used to reset windows admin password without erasing anything.

ref: http://codeconnect.net/microsoft-news.windows-vista-administration_accounts_passwords/windows-vista-administrator-lost-password
2009-12-15 06:42:37 UTC
more free windows password recovery methods: http://www.resetwindowspassword.com/blog/

ref: http://codeconnect.net/microsoft-news.windows-vista-administration_accounts_passwords/windows-vista-administrator-lost-password
2013-02-22 12:23:52 UTC
tarathezebra wrote on 11/22/2009 12:23 ET
Post by tarathezebra
I'm quite savy at computers but this is tricky. My mom has me set o
parental controls for Windows Vista. She gave me her password and
turned them out, logged off and then logged back on to my account. Then
when I turned off the computer and she turned it back on the next day
her password didn't work. She's called people and apparently, I change
the password without knowing I did
Here's the problem, I don't have a disk to reset the administrato
password and I already tried the CMD way to reset the password but I go
"System Error 5 has occured. Access denied.
The administrator password is a big one since it controls everything
do. I can't change anything or download anything without that password
Is there ANYWAY I could change it
tarathezebra's Profile: http://forums.techarena.in/members/157158.ht
View this thread: http://forums.techarena.in/vista-administration/1274049.ht
For lost Windows Vista admin password reset you can visit the following tw
websites to download the program and software
